Introduction | |||
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Welcome! You are embarking on a journey that will take you to the good life made available through Jesus: "I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). We have all been given the road-map, God's Word, to finding and following this abundant life. But we often don't follow the plan he has outlined for us in his Word. This Bible study group is designed to help you grow in ways you never thought possible. It will teach you how to listen to the voice of God speak to your heart. For centuries, Christians and non-Christians alike have explored the Bible for many different reasons. The historian approaches the Bible as a way of learning more about ancient Middle Eastern society and culture. The scholar explores ancient languages and texts, comparing translations for doctrinal implications. The pastor searches scripture for the purpose of communicating religious truths with his congregation. But why do you read the Bible? Our goal is that you will experience a transformed life through a renewed relationship with the Life-giver. Richard Foster, in Life with God states "...reading the Bible for interior transformation is a far different endeavor from reading the Bible for historical knowledge, literary appreciation, or religious instruction. In the latter case we learn head knowledge; in the former, heart knowledge. To allow the Bible to infiltrate us with the life God offers—piercing us like a two-edged sword dividing “soul from spirit, joints from marrow… (judging) the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb. 4:12)—we must bring to the Bible our whole selves, expectantly, attentively, and humbly.” To enter the world of the Bible with an attitude of humbleness and awe will allow the Spirit of God to introduce us to Jesus. In addition it will create in us a desire to gladly submit our mind, heart, and soul to God's transforming power. A group devoted to helping Christians develop real character change, Renovare, reflects on the Bible's true purpose, “…these are not just words about God; they are the words of God, his living voice speaking into my Spirit-steeped heart and calling me into a transforming relationship with him. To read this book is to not only be immersed in God’s truth, but also in God’s very presence. As God makes himself known in his act of self-revelation, our 'knowing about God' can mature into simply 'knowing God.' In God’s word we encounter the incarnate Word, Christ, and are drawn beyond understanding into a totally renewed life. In Scripture we find Christ, and in Christ we find eternal, abundant life. That is why we read the Bible." Come, read the Bible with us and enter into a life of Experiencing God! |
Last updated on November 18, 2016